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Join Us


How to pay for your AMA National Membership Fee ($29/year):

1. Create a student account on and pay the National student fee.​​

2. Fill out the Google Form with your AMA National receipt.

(This is to secure your membership spot)

If you have any more questions/concerns, please reach out to our membership team via email:

1. When do I need to pay by?

Anytime during the semester.

2. What is AMA Nationals?

Every non-profit organization in the world is run by a group of professionals. In order to put on your resume/ on linkedin in a sense use the name AMA, you're paying for the name basically. Our organization wouldn't exist unless it was for these people who founded us and allowed us to be a licensed non-profit org at CSUSB.

3. Does AMA have chapter fees?

NO! AMA CSUSB does not have or require any chapter fees. ​But you should pay the $29.00 AMA National Fee. 

4. How to join the AMA CSUSB groupchat?

Download the app called, "FLARE". Then create an account, and join our club! Click on the flare logo!​

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